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Friday, October 29, 2010

tHuRsDay or tHurSdAy!!!

i used to anticipate thursday of every single week!!!
becos of wat??..
becos thursday is chemistry experiment day....
although i hate to do lab report..
and sometimes wat pn cam asal bole jew..
but, i have sum1 that keep me real!!!
indeed i love talking wif him...
i love to watch him doing things..
i'm enjoying watch him from far...
every thursday, i hope to talk wif him...
and most of times i managed to grab the chance..
and i think i like him...
but, today...
the lab practical is cancelled...
in other words, we dont do experiment today...
and thats not very dissappoint me..
well, i want to say good luck to him..
since our lab practical is the only chance i have.. to talk to him...
lecture, jgn haraplah...
so, terpakselah ucap kat facebook jek....

Monday, October 25, 2010


i dun know my feeling anymore...
i'm confuse!!!
ok.. i admit i do LIKE him...
tp, still... our feelings are not mutual!!!
so, x kmne pn...
i WISH him HAPPINESS with his LOVED ONE!!!
mmg la I LIKE him..
tp, klw die x like me back..
so what's the point...
better STAY as a FRIEND....
with that..
i still could SEE and TALK with him...

Sunday, October 24, 2010

date with my roomate!!!!

i went for a date with my dearest roomate..
x sangke we actually going out...
ade la ajak beberape org to teman us...
tp, unfortunately...
dorg x nk join..
we went for a shopping!!!
though i only got to actually window shopping...
cos, x nk abeskn dwet i yg smkin ari smkin kontang neyh!!!
basically juz teman roomate i yg nk sgt shopping kasut and baju die...
geez.. mmg pnt kot...
but seb bek b4 we go back, we went for a karaoke...
finally i get to go for a karok...
da lme kot x karok..
ermm the one yg kat shower is excluded!!!
we sang about 10 songs kot!!
but, i tell ya its not enough!!
rase cm nk nyanyi lagi...
tp sbb dwet cam nk kne withdraw gi and tambahan pule..
waktu cam da nk senja..
we have to give up on that...
and later that buy ice cream and eat it all the way down to the bus stop..
smpai kat komuter...
we wait for the upm bus..
the one yg free of charges...
and after the bus arrived..
tetibe sume dak2 upm..
kalut dok kuarkan kad matrix...
man, i boleh x bwk lak kad matrix...
damn it...
my roomate ckp the pakcik driver is quite strict...
mmg definitely akn check the matrix card!!
oh shoot!!!
then, i terpakse soh roomate i negotiate ngan pakcik tu...
and lastly after a few minutes argument..
between the pakcik and my roomate (poor my roomate.. sorry dear...), he's letting me in...
thanks Allah...
xde la kene byr an...
and after that...
got back at room around 6.20 pm kot...
although exhausting teman my roomate shopping..
i actually enjoy all the moment..
and next time nk kuar ngan all my gengs!!
we went for 2nd round karok nk??
at red box perhaps!!
lg murah...

<3 u Wani!!!