"sungguh aku tak bisa, sampai kapanpun tak bisamembenci dirimu, sesungguhnya aku tak mampu" Kotak, Cinta Dan Benci
Hmm.. suke aku nk ingtkn..
Entry neyh mngkn akn membuatkn korg terfkir..
“Mak aii.. minah neyh..bahse xleh lg baek ke??”
This is me..
I cursed a lot..
End of story..
Klw nk bce.. sila la..
Klw xnk.. blh ke blog len ye..
This entry supposed to be posted smlm..
Tp, aku terlalu letih utk berbuat demikian..
So, I post it today..
Smlm.. (18.02.2011)
Well.. my very lovely squad had a meeting..
Meeting smlm actually to announce the programme we are to attend for semester break activity..
And also to fix a thing or two…
So.. we ended up doing some luahan hati thing..
What’s interesting about this game is..
You are to luah everything yg ko x puas hati..
Ataupun complimenting ataupun cadangan untuk memperbaiki mutu squad..
And also ko blh tujukn kt specific people..
Tp, ko xya tlis nme ko.. sbb it’s intended to be secret..
Yela, karang yg keruh bertambah keruh ye x??
Dlm game neyh..
Ko nk mencarut pn blh..
Org x taw pn spe yg tlis..
“you’re such a b**ch la, minah!! So stop acting like you’re hot..”- ditujukn utk minah bt mamat
“aku x suke la prgai ko yg mcm b*b* tu.. xya nk jge tepi kain org sgt la.. mind your f**cking business suda..” – ditujukn utk anon bin anon
“aku nk cdgkn kite wat night-walk.. meronda smbl bwk M16..”
“aku suke care anon neyh berkerja.. sgt professional la.. keep it up..”
Well care neyh actually sgt halus..
Yeps.. klw aku teguran this way is much preferable..
So that, kite tw.. pe yg kite slh..
Pe yg x kne kat mate org..
Nobody is perfect..
Surely.. tp, xnk la byk sgt imperfection..
Pe yg blh di improve.. try to improve..
Be an optimist..
jgn la bashing blk..
try berubah.. for your own sake jugak kn..
mmg la ade yg prefer face-to-face..
“ko x puas hati ngan aku ke.. meh la face-to-face.. jgn nk kecut la, bhai.. ckp kat fb bkn men brni.. dpn2.. cm ayam.. blah la..”
Klw aku la kn..
If people tgur dpn2..
Aku msti trse sket..
Tp, pstuh.. aku ok je..
Setengah2 org 2 cm xpuas hati je klw kne tgur..
Blh nk counter-attack..
Ish2.. aku x fhm ngan org2 yg cmneyh..
Prsn dri tuh bgus sgt je kn..
Die je forever betul..
Org len sume slh..
Pdhl dri tu xdela btul mne pn..
Aku pn x layak nk tgur org..
Sbb aku taw aku cmne..
Prngai srupe haram..
Jd, aku pn x rse aku blh nk tgur org..
Aku pn tempang, bhai..
So, klw ade silap salah..
Aku mintak maaf sesgt..
Yg baik dtg dri Allah..
Yg bruk dtg dri diri aku sndri..
Smpai sini jela entry aku ea..
Aku hrp org2 yg kne tgur mse luahan hati tuh..
Berubah la kearah kebaikan kmu sndri..
Salam ukhwah..
Till then,
p/s: nasib baik la nme aku xde dlm luahan hati tersebut.. klw x.. mmg tersentap mak, nak!! Hahaha~ oh ye.. btw, aku jnjikn next entry would be about si ckin.. probably next one kot.. sbb aku x draft lg entry psl tuh.. sorry, ckin.. T_T